Sunday, October 25, 2009

Poem: Paradise

Physics appears to be the foundation of our chemistry
Although I was born to elevate, gravity seduces me into her atmosphere
As my eyes examine her rich brown soil
I penetrate her hemisphere and grasp the essence that is her soul
Her brown skin defines beauty
Minerals compliment her scent; her oxygen is a potent ecstasy
Even the angel dust around me could not compete with this mint-conditioned Addiction
My previous prescription was not sufficient

Darkness covers the abyss of her outer soul
The universe is hers, and she is my world…

My light reflects upon her face
And as I enter the center of her radius
You can feel the high tides race across her surface
The moist pavement thirsts for more frictions of movement
Thus, I begin my search for her sacred region
The clouds blanket her virgin islands, which reveal the volcanic ashes of those denied before me.

Darkness covers the abyss of her outer soul
The universe is hers, and she is my world…

The wind embraces me into her earthly embodiment, which held secrets beneath
My impact resembles a sword suppressed into a sheath.
And as my key entered her ignition, she truly became my true religion.
She admired my style; I cherished her taste
She liked it wild. Our love was untamed. No Mistake...
She drives me crazy but when she gives me the word…
She becomes the passenger, as I maneuver around her axis shifting every curve
I became a student under sexual intercourse
My teacher was seductive so my visits were redundant for that erotic source

Darkness covers the abyss of her outer soul
The universe is hers, and she is my world…

My status has descended for now I have fallen in love.
My love for her is so deep… my love - for her - is so deep…
No, I said My Love—For—Her—Is—So—Deep that it is neither seasonal nor annual for even time could not restrict my overflowing desire for her touch
Is it a sin to require her heavenly body so much
Well in this case, I’ll burn a couple of calaries
She is my queen, I am her King,
And forever she gains my loyalty... for SHE... is poetry

Darkness covers the abyss of her outer soul
The universe is hers, and she is my world…

(thanks for reading. Be sure to drop a comment. Appreciate your time.)

1 comment:

  1. Yoooooo! Wow I was really moved by that poem it was flawless, well written you captured my attention with the first few lines and I was instantly drawn. Every word was like a step and I climbed to the top of my own personal fullfillment. Reading that inspired me truly. Very impressed my man, keep up the sick work!

    "...her oxygen is a potent ecstasy"

    That line did it for me.
